April Thrills at South SLO County Womenade
April 2, 2023 Newsletter
Happenings at South SLO County Womenade
It’s April so it must be Annual Raffle and Admin April time at South SLO County Womenade! https://www.sslocw.org/raffleapril2023
Our Annual Raffle runs from March 15th to April 13th, 2023. All donations received during that time qualify at $20 per raffle ticket entry. Funds donated for the raffle will go towards our Admin April. The raffle tickets are electronic (there are no paper raffle tickets!), and the raffle drawing is also electronic. You don’t have to be there to win, but it sure is a lot more fun when the prize winners are present. The drawing will take place at the Potluck Fundraiser on April 13th, 2023 at 3PM at Ann McDowell’s home at 1793 Farroll Rd. Grover Beach. We’d love a few more raffle items: Gift cards, wine, experiences (classes, meals, adventures). Please email us if you can donate additional raffle items to sslocwomenade@gmail.com. Here is a sample of some of the raffle prizes:
Boomers Santa Maria – 2 al day passes
Electric Wine Opener and Bottle of Wine
Handmade napkin set
Hive – 1 Haircut
Homemade pies (2) by Hannah
Hotel SLO - 1 night stay (Sunday-Thursday) plus $200 restaurant
In and Out Burger vouchers
Nan’s Bookstore
Olio Pizza in Santa Barbara $50 gift certificate
Quilts by Arroyo Grande quilters
SLO Symphony tickets – May concert in the President’s Box
Sycamore Springs – two 2 person soaks
Talley Farms – 2 original size produce boxes and Brian Talley 1st edition Cookbook
Tally Farms – Farm tour
Trader Joe's Basket/Gift Certificate
Wines - Numerous bottles of great
Wood Cutting board and Chef's Knife
Woodstock Pizza $40 gift card
Grand prize – An adventure for two to Santa Barbara including
One-night stay at Kimpton Canary Hotel (https://www.canarysantabarbara.com/)
Dinner for two at Kimpton Canary Hotel
Passes and parking at the Santa Barbara Zoo
Admin April –No one at South SLO County Womenade gets paid. However we do have expenses, the largest being insurance. No one should serve on a board if they don’t have insurance! Our other expenses include:
monthly government filling fees
fees for Quickbooks (our treasurer, Caity McCardell is our pro bono bookkeeper and our accountant also is pro bono)
some cost for marketing materials and miscellaneous supplies
Next Potluck
April 13th at 3PM at Ann McDowell’s Home, 1793 Farroll Rd., Grover Beach. Evites have been sent but if you didn’t receive one and would like to come, please email us at sslocwomenade@gmail.com. Bring your dish to share, your beverage, your place setting and a check for $50 (of course more is always greatly appreciated) and of course, bring a friend or two. According to our Bank, the checks must be made out to: South SLO County Womenade (the name on our account). We have a stamp if you write it at the potluck. Also, our advocates say that our clients are asking for toilet paper and laundry detergent. Please bring some to the potluck if you can. Projects
Toiletry drive
Candace Guldeman and Robin Pisz are co-leading the effort this year during the month of May. Hygiene poverty is a real issue for many in our community. It’s even worse than when we did this last year – gas prices have skyrocketed and inflation on all things has gone through the roof. The thought of not being able to bathe or properly deal with feminine hygiene makes my skin crawl! Here is a list of items and drop off locations from May 1st to May 31st. Toiletries will be distributed to 22 of the agencies we work closely with in early June. If you don’t want to shop, you can go on Amazon or Walmart and have items shipped to Sue’s addresses (see below). Drop off locations are:
Lola Zybura – 2367 Brant St. (Cypress Ridge), Arroyo Grande
Susan McCutcheon – 2342Willet Way (Cypress Ridge), Arroyo Grande
FitForever Gym - 1080 Cypress Ridge Parkway, Arroyo Grande
Lisa Murdoch – 117 Pearwood Ave. Arroyo Grande
Nan Fowler – 630 Cerro Vista Circle, Arroyo Grande
Nancy Terrell – Avila Bay Club,
Stacy Murphy – 1975 Northwood Rd. (Trilogy) Nipomo
Judy Woo - 1402 Vista Tesoro Pl, Nipomo
Margie Salame – 241 Elaine Way, Pismo Beach, CA 93449
Below is a list of toiletry items most needed (NEW and FULL Sizes only): Shampoo Conditioner Soap – bar and liquid Toothpaste Toothbrushes Floss and floss picks Mouthwash Lotion Deodorant Shaving cream Razors Baby shampoo and baby soap Chapstick Sunscreen Band-Aids Nail clippers Feminine Hygiene Products
Weekend food for Students – Update
They say it takes a village to make a difference, and this project has proven that to be the case. This project has really come together in the last few weeks. A number of volunteers have stepped up, and almost all the elementary weekend food insecure students have been “adopted”! That’s 25 elementary school children who are now getting food for the weekend. Add that to the 25 middle school children that Judy Woo’s mighty Trilogy volunteers supply food for weekly and the 35 to 40 students at Lopez High School that Mary Anne Morgan and Ann McDowell gather food for – that’s about 100 students who are getting weekend food every week!
Nipomo Food Distribution
This program has been running since September 2012 – that’s 11 years. We’ve had a great partnership with The SLO Foodbank and the Nipomo Elementary School and the volunteers from our community. When we started we served 84 families and did our assembling in the school cafeteria. Each family received a bag of produce and a bag of shelf stable food including up to 18 items. All the produce and shelf stable food was unloaded and packed and distributed by our volunteers.
Now our numbers have soared to over 300 families, most of the food comes pre-packed at the SLO Foodbank, and we distribute from the school parking lot. The shelf stable food provided by USDA has dropped to about 8 or 9 items per bag from 18. We have been purchasing and packing extra food in the parking lot. The amount of food available to us at the Foodbank has also declined recently. We could use additional food once a month to give to the many food insecure families in our community. If you are interested in providing a bag of food of 7 to 8 items once a month, please let us know at sslocwomenade@gmail.com. A bag of food should contain:
A protein (canned chicken, pork, beef stew, tuna)
Canned vegetable
Canned or dried Fruit
Breakfast cereal or bars
Canned or dried beans
Shelf stable milk
To make a donation write a check (BANK SAYS -MUST BE MADE OUT) to South SLO County Womenade and mail to:
South SLO County Womenade, 1793 Farroll Rd., Grover Beach, CA 93433. We encourage you to become one of our monthly or regular donors. This can be easily done through your bank or charitable foundation. Please remember that if your company has a matching grants program to include us. As you make you update your wills please consider providing us or adding us with a legacy gift for our future sustainability.
or go to our website sslocw.org
Our email is: sslocwomenade@gmail.com
Our website is: sslocw.org
Our EIN# 27-0809744
Phone number: (805) 270-5751